Detroit Michigan Temple

Temple #58
Detroit, Michigan
April 6, 2016

     Ivy and I had been traveling home from Pennsylvania and loving the trip. We had just done the Toronto Canada Temple and loved it, and now we're headed to Detroit. We were happy to be back in America.  
     This was both of our first times to Detroit and to Michigan. It wasn't too exciting of a state, and Detroit was the oddest and most run down city we have ever seen. We went towards downtown and passed dozens, even hundreds of abandoned or burnt down buildings. Detroit has quite the history, and we now understand why people don't like it so much.
     We started off by going to one of the top spots recommended online to go visit in Detroit. It was on a side road amongst burnt and rundown buildings. In a few yards and abandoned small fields were piles of what looked like junk. As we got closer we noticed it was in fact junk, yet people had gone and organized it in a way to make it look like art. It was the oddest neighborhood we had ever been to but was must see while in Detroit because if it's weird uniqueness. 
      Downtown was nicer with more modern and nice buildings. It felt like just another big city downtown with tall buildings and businesses. We drove around it for a little bit, didn't find anything too interesting, and then left the city. The temple luckily was a little ways from the city in a nicer part of Detroit. 
     The temple was a smaller temple like many of the ones we had been visiting lately and would soon visit. It sits right next to a big highway, but it hidden nicely by trees and a grass berm. We went into the temple, and the contrast from burnt, rundown buildings, to a bright and clean house of the Lord, was amazing. There is so much peace in the temples and that's why we love them! 
     The Detroit Temple was uplifting after being to Detroit, and we fully enjoyed it. There wasn't anything that stuck out to us, other than the difference in feeling from Detroit to the Temple. If you want to shut out the world, go to the temple and you will find peace. 


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